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Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement

Hey there, cool cats! At Gunther Toody’s Diner, we’re all about making our website the ginchiest place on the web for everyone, whether you’re cruising on a desktop or surfing on a mobile. We dig inclusivity and strive to ensure that all users, regardless of ability, can navigate our site without any static.

Commitment to Accessibility

We're committed to giving all our users a swell experience. Our team works around the clock to keep things copacetic and ensure that our site is accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. If anything’s ever bugging you, we’re here to make it right, right away.

Ongoing Efforts

We're constantly greasing the wheels to improve our website's accessibility. We follow the latest standards and get our kicks from making sure everything is up to snuff. If you ever find a section of our site that's giving you the heebie-jeebies, drop us a line. We’re on the case, faster than a hot rod on race day.

Contact Us

If you hit a bump in the road while using our site, don't blow your top. Reach out to us at We're here to lend an ear and help you cruise through your online experience without a hitch.


Your feedback is the bee's knees, and we want to hear it! Let us know how we’re doing and what we can do to make your experience even groovier. We’re all ears, and ready to make our site the best it can be for you.

Thanks for stopping by, and remember, at Gunther Toody’s Diner, everyone is welcome to sit at our table.

Stay cool!